Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Movement and Not a Moment - Call to Action

What happens when the voiceless and the silent find their voices and speak?

We have a witnessed one of the greatest moments of American History matter of fact world history where those who have been left out and cast aside – spoke with hope and demanded change. For the first time in recent years ordinary citizens of various walks of life became the central focus of this past election. During the past two years many chanted “More of the same” while many others rallied around the simple phrase but more powerful mantra “Yes WE can.” We now face dire times with a major economic crisis, the loss jobs, and two wars that we are still are actively engaged in.

Yet, with all these mounting problems that we face there is still hope.

There is hope in the people that turned out in record numbers to cast their vote many for the first time.

There is hope seen in the faces of those who are tired and frustrated from the past turbulent eight years.

There is hope heard in the conversations of the young and the young at heart.

There is hope when the leader of this Nation who campaigned and continues to believe “in the faith and determination of the American people.”

Now that the people have spoken and now that the election and inauguration of President Barack Obama is over there is work to be done.

“This victory alone is not the change we seek - it is only the chance for us to make that change. And that cannot happen if we go back to the way things were. It cannot happen without you.” – President Barack Obama (Election Night Speech)

Many citizens are now beginning to ask the question “where do we go from here?” Like you and I, many have went back to their neighborhoods, towns, and cities energized with renewed focus on restoring, renewing, and rebuilding our America. Durham, North Carolina is no exception. There are several efforts on under way to continue to seek the change that many hoped for – the change that many voted for.

“Create the Change” is the platform where ordinary citizens are provided with information of existing nonpartisan progressive community based organizations in Durham to continue to have an active in our democracy. We believe that change must happen on the local level and. It is our goal to sustain this new wave of community activists and to harness the energy and excitement by working side by side to make change not a cliché but a reality. Listed below are some of the first steps of what you can participate in NOW.

There are several things that we can do to create the Change:

  1. Currently the Southern Coalition for Social Justice is working to create a resource guide of Progressive nonprofits in Durham. If you would like to be included please contact the Elena Everett via email Elena@southerncoalition.org

  2. Complete our electronic survey so we can identify issues that WE as a collective can address. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspxsm=anRI2Lf5z7EQoNTmrZY3VA_3d_3d
  3. If you would like information on how to continue to Create the Change in Durham please email email elena@southerncoaltion.org

  4. Subscribe to our blog to read about the change that is happening in Durham and neighborhoods across North Carolina.

  5. Make sure you one of the Historic Thousands on Jones Street on Saturday, February 14, 2009 at 9:30 at Chavis Heights Park in Raleigh, North Carolina. For more information please visit http://www.hkonj.com/

Please continue to visit our blog as we provide more information in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead! Also if you have something you would like to see posted on our blog please feel free to email me at deven@southerncoalition.org

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